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FYI Magazine "Agriculture"

When a headache might be more

Headaches are a common occurrence and may result from a host of factors, including changing weather, stress and fatigue. Headaches may be classified as tension headaches or symptomatic of sinus congestion. Migraine headaches are a type of headache that can affect vision and may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound.


Wind as an Energy Option

As both businesses and private citizens continue to look for alternative sources of energy to help the environment, wind continues to generate a back and forth discussion as to its efficacy as an energy solution. 


7 Green Interior Car Care Tips

Making green changes to the way you care for your vehicle extends beyond the type of fuel you use or keeping your tires properly inflated. Modifications to the way you care for the interior can mean the difference between eco-friendly and not.


Agricultural career opportunities abound

A career in agriculture can prove richly rewarding. While it's common to envision overalls and tractors when imagining careers in agriculture, the opportunities to work in the agriculture industry stretch beyond the farm and into the corporate world. The following are a few of the paths men and women with a passion for agriculture can pursue.


Beautiful lawn vs. faithful pet: Putting a stop to lawncare woes

Over time a pet who is routinely using a patch of grass as his personal potty will damage that stretch of lawn. The behavior of canines plus the chemical components of the urine contribute to the brown, dead patches synonymous with dog waste. But there are ways to mitigate the problem.