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Handling Valentine's Day when you have diabetes

Celebrating a holiday can be challenging for those with diabetes, as sweet treats are a part of many holiday celebrations. Come Valentine's Day, chocolates, candy and rich desserts can often be found on the menu, which can prove problematic for those who have to watch their blood-glucose levels.


Valentine's night out planning pointers

Many couples go out for a night on the town in celebration of Valentine's Day. Romance typically prevails on such nights, but there's more to planning Valentine's Day dates than just roses and chocolate. The following are a few tips to make sure this year's Valentine's Day date night goes off without a hitch.


Frugal ways to celebrate Valentine's Day

A day set aside to shower a loved one with gifts and touching words of affection, Valentine's Day brightens the often gloomy month of February. Established centuries ago with origins shrouded in mystery, Valentine's Day has evolved into one of the most popular - and expensive - days of the year. 


Romantic poetry fitting for Valentine's Day

Traditionalists who want to commemorate Valentine's Day in the most romantic way possible may want to harken back to the days when poetry was the primary way lovers expressed their affection for each other.


Jewelry buyers' guide

You can't buy love, but on Valentine's Day those in love certainly like to treat the special people in their lives to some lavish tokens of affection. According to the National Retail Federation's Valentine's Day Consumer Spending Survey, Americans spend an estimated $19 billion on gifts, flowers, dinners, and more come Valentine's Day.