Spruce Up Your Kitchen for Healthy Cooking
- Published on Sunday, 26 February 2017 00:09
- Hits: 13032
Looking for innovative ways to make your goal of getting healthier this year stick? Try sprucing up your kitchen so that you're inspired to lighten up your cooking and eating habits.
The last months of winter are a great time to prepare, both
Desiccant not so dangerous
- Published on Monday, 20 February 2017 00:16
- Hits: 9183
Parents fret over many of the items kids come into contact with, particularly small objects that can present choking hazards or items that may be poisonous. One common thing that often turns up in a home are packets of silica gel.
Silica gel is a desiccant, which means it is designed to draw moisture
Handling Valentine's Day when you have diabetes
- Published on Monday, 13 February 2017 00:43
- Hits: 1944
Celebrating a holiday can be challenging for those with diabetes, as sweet treats are a part of many holiday celebrations. Come Valentine's Day, chocolates, candy and rich desserts can often be found on the menu, which can prove problematic for those who have to watch their blood-glucose levels.
7 Facts About the Human Heart
- Published on Tuesday, 07 February 2017 00:48
- Hits: 2229
The heart is one of the essential components of human life. It was once also believed to be the center from where love and other emotions emanated. Many feel a heart can break and that it can know no bounds of love. Dr. Seuss' "The Grinch" was said to be nasty because his heart was "two sizes too small."
Chiropractic treatments can help relieve pain
- Published on Tuesday, 31 January 2017 00:10
- Hits: 2677
Anyone who has ever suffered back pain, whether that pain is mild, moderate or severe, understands just how unpleasant it can be. Back pain can make life extremely difficult, affecting everything a person does, including performance at work, time spent with the kids or even sleeping at night.