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A New Gift for Your Golfer

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Perhaps no amateur athlete is more committed to his or her sport or dedicated to improving his or her skill than a golfer. If you have a golfer in your life, you may have already given up on giving golf-related gifts because they usually nab the latest and greatest club, ball or gizmo before you do ... or your gifts just end up gathering dust because the products simply don't work.

This year, break your golf-gift slump by giving a gift that actually works, with results backed by a recent study.
Golf Test USA, a firm that tests and reviews golf products, recently performed an extensive 30 day evaluation using Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Tables. In what ended up being the most comprehensive test in their 12-year history, the study followed a group of golfers that inverted with a Teeter once in the morning and once in the evening for a month, measuring their performance metrics before and after the trial. They found:
* Drive distance improved by an average of 10%
* Strokes per round dropped by an average of 3
* 85% of participants clocked an increase in ball speed
* Accuracy improved by an average of 16%
* 69% of participants increased their driver swing speed
* 77% of participants increased their club speed
Wayne Williams, Testing Director with Golf Test USA, reported that, "One single product usually does not help a golfer improve their game to the degree that the Teeter Hang Ups did."
Inversion tables are best known for helping relieve back pain, yet the same benefits that contribute to a better back result in a better golf game. A regular program of inversion has been shown to improve joint health, leading to better function and flexibility.
One-sided and rotational sports, like golf, create significant stress on the spine and tend to develop muscles on one side of the body, which can lead to misalignments and poor posture. Studies indicate that when inverted to 60 degrees or more, the pressure on the intervertebral discs drops to zero. Reduced pressure allows joints to hydrate, improving shock absorption and flexibility, and the gentle stretch provides the body an opportunity to realign itself. Healthy joints in proper alignment and in good posture function at their best -- which explains the dramatic results of the GolfTest study.
"The GolfTest USA study emphasizes that inversion offers more than back pain rehabilitation. Decompression and a healthy spine are critical to how our bodies function and perform," says Rylie Teeter Leier, co-owner of Teeter.
When shopping for an inversion table, look for one that offers verified quality with independent certification by a third party like Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Teeter's inversion tables are the only in the world to meet the new inversion table listing (UL 1647) which tests endurance (inverting down and up), weight load, and ankle restraint performance.
You can learn more about Teeter Hang Ups products at