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Oktoberfest can be a party for all ages

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Revelers look forward to Oktoberfest for various reasons. Great food, abundant drinks and festive music entertain the masses come Oktoberfest, so it's no surprise that this German-inspired tradition is popular the world-over. While Oktoberfest is often thought of as an adults-only celebration, parts of the party can be modified to make the event more inclusive of younger guests.
Oktoberfest is the world's longest fair, running for sixteen days from late September to the first weekend in October. More than six million people from around the world attend the event in Munich, Germany, each year. Smaller Oktoberfest parties are held elsewhere, and the theme can be an interesting one for individuals who want to enjoy a harvest party that does not involve Halloween and costumes.
Including children in Oktoberfest celebrations is relatively easy. All you need to do is offer activities that do not involve alcoholic beverages. Try these ideas to get started.
Stein relay
Both adults and children can participate in this event, as long as party hosts can keep track of the beverages inside the steins. Adults can use beer, while kids' cups can be filled with apple cider or root beer. Participants take chances running their filled steins over to a serving tray and then carrying back the full tray without spilling. If any beverages are spilled, the person has to take a drink and then return to have the cup refilled. The team whose members all complete the race first is declared the winner.
Polka freeze dance
If a polka band is part of the festivities, ask them to participate in a game of freeze dance. Otherwise, hosts can use prerecorded polka music. Players dance to the music until it stops, and once it does, they have to freeze. Anyone who moves after the music has stopped is "out." The last person standing is the winner.
Pretzel-making contest
Have children mold premade dough (pizza or crescent roll dough) into the shapes of pretzels. Provide different toppings, from salt to nuts to sesame seeds, that kids can use to adorn their pretzels. The pretzels can be judged on form and flavor.
Barrel or sack races
Children can participate in races against the adults to see who has the most dexterity and speed. Plastic or wooden barrels can be rolled, or players can use burlap sacks for races.
Carnival entertainment
Since Oktoberfest is a large fair, carnival-type activities can make for a great and appropriate party. Party hosts can set up dunk tanks, a ring toss, darts, and food-eating contests to round out the list of festivities. Setting aside an area for a dance floor and hiring a band or deejay are some additional ways to create a fun atmosphere.
Oktoberfest is a great opportunity to gather with friends and family to enjoy great food and drinks and fun games. Explore the various ways to make the party appropriate for guests of all ages, particularly by including child-friendly events everyone can enjoy.