We offer primitive items, Crossroad Candles, tarts and tart warmers, ironware, wood decor, assorted wood furniture, custom floral Arrangements & wreaths, curtains, rugs, quilts, antiques, wallpaper boarder and much more!!
Stop in and learn how you can win a 4-Wick Crossroad Candle, and "SHOP AND SAVE" 25% EVERYDAY!!
We carry a full line of OLDE CENTRY COLORS & STANS/ SEALERS "SAVE ON 3 CANS" We have Lay-away as well as gift cards.
We do shipping and we will deliver to local Furneral Homes.
Check out our photos for items currently for sale, as well as like items you would find every day!
Parking is available to the left of the building in the church parking lot when church isn't in service.
VISA/MASTERCARD/ CHECKS & CASH IS ACCEPTED "Looking Forward to Seeing You Soon!”