FYI Huntington

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Reduce the cost of your commute

Though the number of telecommuters is on the rise, a large number of people still commute to work each day. According to a 2011 report from the U.S. Census Bureau, 85 percent of American workers drive to work and have an average commute time of between 25 and 30 minutes. While many people drive five miles or less to work each day, some still travel 35 miles or more each way.


How social media can affect your career

Social media has become an integral part of modern society. Millions of people around the world use social media to connect with one another. But this valuable tool also can be a detriment, particularly to men and women seeking employment.


Common workplace injuries and how to avoid them

Workers spend roughly eight hours at their workplaces each day, and many workers must be careful to avoid injury over the course of a typical workday.
According to a recent FindLaw survey, workplace injuries are common, with one in five American adults saying they have suffered an injury while on the job. Statistics Canada notes that an estimated 4.27 million Canadians aged 12 or older suffered an injury severe enough to limit their usual activities in 2009 and 2010. Although many of these injuries were attributed to adolescents and seniors, working-age adults see their share of injuries as well.


The benefits of business podcasting

Businesses, particularly small businesses, understand the importance of establishing an online presence. Identifying new content strategies can help keep a company's name and business motto fresh in the minds of consumers. Search engine optimization, or SEO, and social media use can greatly improve a business' online visibility.


Maintain your productivity when working from home

Telecommuting has grown more and more common over the last decade. Thanks in large part to advancements in technology that make it easier than ever before to connect remotely with coworkers, telecommuting is now something more and more companies are embracing.