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Power mom Sherri Shepherd shares her oral hygiene 'Powerful Moment of Truth'

Oral health experts are urging people everywhere to embrace the power of good dental hygiene -- by making the switch from a manual to a power toothbrush. To help spread the word, Oral-B(R) teamed up with power mom, wife, actress and talk show host Sherri Shepherd to inspire people to take control of their oral health.


Help kids feel comfortable at the dentist

Routine dental examinations and cleanings are an important component of oral healthcare for both children and adults. However, many children do not visit the dentist until well after the time recommended by medical and dental professionals. Parents may be unaware of the dental health timeline, or they could be reluctant to bring their children for fear of how their kids will behave - especially if parents are harboring their own apprehensions about the dentist.


Is Your Shampoo Making You Sick?

Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and it's less expensive cousin, sodium lauryl sulfate, are substances found in most commercial shampoos. The suds that build up while washing hair are largely the work of SLES. 


Beauty Tips for Busy Women

Women are juggling much more today than in years past. According to U.S. Census Bureau reports from 2002, 31 percent of married couples with children are two-income families, and many women are balancing work, family, social obligations, and additional activities.


Winter Weather a Trigger for Cold Sores

Although cold weather is not entirely to blame for the colds and flu symptoms that seem to be more common from November through March, cold sores do seem to be linked to the temperatures outdoors.