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Body dysmorphic disorder a reality for many women

People from all walks of life may have something about their appearances that upsets them. While many people learn to embrace their bodies, some develop body image problems that can lead to depression and anxiety.
Body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD, is a psychological condition that causes delusions about one's outward appearance. While people with BDD may have delusions about any part of their bodies, many people with BDD have problems with parts of their face, their ears or the shape of their head. Preoccupation with these features can be so intense that it's difficult for sufferers to see beyond their delusions.


Prolong the life of your hair color

Men and women have been coloring their hair for centuries, experimenting with different materials and chemical combinations to achieve their desired looks. In the mid-1800s, chemists began to work with non-natural dyes for the textile industry. At least one of the chemicals used in a dye derived from coal tar formed a color when exposed to air. This molecule, called para-phenylenediamine, or PPD, eventually would go on to form the foundation for many permanent hair dyes.


Maintenance a must when wearing contact lenses

An alternative to eyeglasses, contact lenses are widely used across the globe. Contact lenses provide the inconspicuous clarity many people desire, and the wide array of materials used to make lenses coupled with the assortment of styles of contact lenses have helped to make them more comfortable than ever before.


Managing rosacea symptoms

A chronic skin condition, rosacea affects millions of people each year and often begins with a tendency to blush or turn flushed more easily than other people. However, rosacea can become more pronounced on the face, producing swelling and bumpy or thickening skin. Rosacea can spread to other areas of the body as well. Because rosacea is often noticeable, many people with the condition are interested in learning how to reduce their symptoms.


Prom perfect makeup tips

Prom is a milestone event for many teenagers. Months are spent in preparation for the night of dancing, dinner and reminiscing with classmates and friends.
Guys and girls alike agonize over every decision, from what to wear to whom to take as a date. With so many choices to make, ladies may not give as much thought to their makeup as they do to their gowns or hair styles. But makeup is an important consideration for young ladies on prom night.