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Don't forget finances when making resolutions

When the time comes to make New Year's resolutions, the conventional wisdom is to focus on weight. Such wisdom is understandable, as many people spend the holiday season indulging in big meals and all the treats synonymous with having fun.

While it's acceptable to make healthy resolutions, a slimmer waist and a healthier diet should not be the only goals for the year ahead. In light of the last several years,


Enhance your bust without surgery

Many women are concerned about their appearance, and often the size of their bust is a cause for their concern. Those who seek a more curvaceous bustline have different options beyond surgery to achieve their desired looks.
What determines breast size?


Christmas traditions around the globe

Families across the globe cherish their Christmas traditions. Customs may be unique to every family, but many countries boast their own unique traditions as well.

* Australia: Many Australians celebrate Christmas by coming together at night to


8 ways to create new holiday traditions

Much of what makes the holiday season so special is the traditions that people hold dear. While families have traditions that stretch back decades, there is plenty of opportunity to embrace new means of celebration to breathe new life into Christmas, Chanukkah or


Eco-friendly winter survival tips

The winter season is right around the corner, soon to usher in cold temperatures, snow and ice for many people across the country. There are plenty of people who revel in the idea of frolicking over snow-capped hills or skating on a frozen pond, but many others hope winter passss them by rather quickly.


Give Kids the Gift of Going Green This Holiday Season

Few movements in the 21st century have proven as popular as the "Go Green" movement. An effort to live with a more eco-conscious mindset, the Go Green movement has found entree into all aspects of life, be it the foods we eat, the cars we drive or the products we buy.
With the holiday season upon us, parents can use the holiday season as an avenue to impart an eco-conscious mindset on their children. Creativity for Kids, a global manufacturer and distributer with a goal toward inspiring kids to


The winter solstice

Each year individuals count down to the first day of winter, be it in anticipation of the new season or with anguish that the warmer weather is a distant memory. The first day of winter is also known as the winter solstice.


Sweet facts

Candy canes are very popular holiday treats and are often used to decorate Christmas trees. That hooked shape certainly makes them whimsical and able to hang on tree boughs. But candy canes weren't always the curved and colorful 


Protect kids from poor environmental factors in the year ahead

As many across the globe adopt more eco-friendly lifestyles, protecting the environment remains a top priority. The popularity of hybrid cars continues to rise while more and more communities are