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Flavorful vegetarian does exist

Non-vegetarians might wonder how tasty a vegetarian diet can truly be. However, many vegetarian dishes are loaded with flavor, ensuring those who prefer meat and poultry can still enjoy a vegetarian dish no matter how strong their personal preferences.


Children in a wedding means no kidding around

A wedding is a joyous event that couples want to share with as many people as possible. Couples commonly ask family and friends to take part in the ceremony as ushers, bridesmaids or readers. Before enlisting the help of a child to fill such roles, couples should carefully consider whether a youngster is capable of participating in the wedding ceremony or if he or she may not be up to the task.


Women surpass men in tech buys

Though men might be more commonly associated with buying gadgets, the tech industry is not as much of a boy's club as one may think. Aside from one consumer electronic category, women are the consumers most likely to shop for tech toys.


Tips for managing and preventing stress

For many adults, stress is an ever-present part of life. Though statistics on stress can be easily manipulated, it's safe to assume many men and women experience significant stress, especially when the economy is struggling, as it has been over the last several years.


Still Searching for a Cure

Today, as many as 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease. Factoring in the number of sufferers worldwide, Alzheimer's is affecting the lives of millions of people on a daily basis. Finding a cure for the disease is of the utmost importance for the families and friends coping with Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named for Alois Alzheimer, the German physician who first described the condition in the early 1900s. Alzheimer's is a fatal, progressive brain 


Beware buying medicines online

The Internet has made it possible for consumers to buy just about anything without ever leaving their homes. Whether looking for a pizza or a car, consumers can find whatever they need with a few clicks of the mouse.


How to save money on your next car

A century ago, cars were luxuries. Nowadays, cars are necessities that few people can do without. In many cases, there are two or more vehicles per household.

Purchasing a new car can be a stressful process. Individuals don't want to overspend, and dealers hope to get the most money. Finding that balance typically takes a little negotiating, a process many people dread.


Women and their pets

Pets are beloved by women, men and children alike. But research indicates that pets may play a special role in the lives of female pet owners.
A study by UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine uncovered a psychological component to the relationship between women and their pets. Pets act as 


Can pets feel love?

Scientific evidence would have you believe that only human beings are capable of complex feelings that include love and hate. However, talk to any dog or cat owner and chances are they'll say that they love their pets and receive equal love in return.
Distinctive areas of the brain light up on MRIs when humans are shown someone they love.