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Understanding thyroid cancer

Many people have detected lumps or swelling in their neck, only to visit their physicians and learn they have thyroid cancer. Though thyroid cancer is uncommon, the American Cancer Society estimates that more than 62,000 new cases of thyroid cancer will be diagnosed in the United States in 2015. And while the death rate from thyroid cancer is low compared with most other cancers, it is the most rapidly increasing cancer in United States.


How to avoid risk factors and reduce your cancer risk

No one is immune to cancer, a disease so prevalent the World Health Organization estimates it will claim more than eight million lives across the globe in 2015 alone. While even the healthiest man, woman or child can get cancer, there are steps everyone can take to lower their risk of developing the disease.


Some cancers more common than others

Despite decades of research, the cure for cancer remains elusive, and this year millions of people across the globe will be diagnosed with cancer.
Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the United States, behind only heart disease. Although cancer can be deadly, it also is highly treatable when detected early.


Handling cancer-related fatigue

Cancer can take both a physical and emotional toll on a person. Treatments designed to combat cancer cells are often effective, but they also may compromise the body in certain ways, including causing extreme fatigue in patients.


Traveling with cancer

Having cancer requires making changes. Your body will certainly change as it is exposed to medicines and other treatments. Future goals and plans may be modified, and you may be interested in spending more time away from the office as you look to balance out a schedule suddenly filled with doctor's appointments and therapy sessions.