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Can pets feel love?

Scientific evidence would have you believe that only human beings are capable of complex feelings that include love and hate. However, talk to any dog or cat owner and chances are they'll say that they love their pets and receive equal love in return.
Distinctive areas of the brain light up on MRIs when humans are shown someone they love.


Strike a pose for better sleep tonight

Health experts have long been professing the "back is best"mantra to new parents. As it turns out, the back also may be best for adults.
Placing an infant to sleep on his or her back is essential to reducing the risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and has been part of the advice given to new parents for decades.


Making Oral Care Fun for Kids Year-Round

Children's oral care is something many parents are concerned about year-round, but there are also several times during the year when oral care is especially important. For example, Halloween, the winter holidays, Valentine's Day and Easter are all large candy-eating times in the year, making it essential to take the time now to teach children the importance of maintaining good oral health.


How to make your New Year's resolution a success

At the onset of each new calendar year, adults across the globe make resolutions for the year ahead. These resolutions are made to ensure the next 12 months are healthy and happy ones.

But as well-intentioned as New Year's resolutions can be, they're often


Don't forget finances when making resolutions

When the time comes to make New Year's resolutions, the conventional wisdom is to focus on weight. Such wisdom is understandable, as many people spend the holiday season indulging in big meals and all the treats synonymous with having fun.

While it's acceptable to make healthy resolutions, a slimmer waist and a healthier diet should not be the only goals for the year ahead. In light of the last several years,