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Christmas traditions around the globe

Families across the globe cherish their Christmas traditions. Customs may be unique to every family, but many countries boast their own unique traditions as well.

* Australia: Many Australians celebrate Christmas by coming together at night to


The winter solstice

Each year individuals count down to the first day of winter, be it in anticipation of the new season or with anguish that the warmer weather is a distant memory. The first day of winter is also known as the winter solstice.


Sweet facts

Candy canes are very popular holiday treats and are often used to decorate Christmas trees. That hooked shape certainly makes them whimsical and able to hang on tree boughs. But candy canes weren't always the curved and colorful 


How civilians can lend military families a helping hand

The efforts of men and women in the military is something everyone, be it fellow military personnel or civilians, can appreciate. In an effort to protect their country and stabilize other countries, service members make many sacrifices, including leaving their families for long periods of time.
As a result, life is not always easy for military families. Husbands and wives miss their spouses and children miss their parents. In addition, military 


Origin of cancer not always known

When diagnosed with cancer, patients are typically informed where the cancer is or, when the cancer is in an advanced stage, where it started. However, in some instances doctors struggle to determine the origin of a cancer in the body.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, cancer of unknown primary,