FYI Magazine "Food & Beverage"
Popular Latin dishes from around the world
- Published on Monday, 05 September 2016 00:18
- Hits: 1367
People celebrate their heritages in various ways. One of the more popular ways to celebrate one's heritage is by breaking bread with others. Recipes passed down through generations can teach people about a particular culture, even shedding light on that culture for people of different backgrounds.
Cancer risk factors you can control
- Published on Friday, 02 September 2016 00:03
- Hits: 1725
Cancer is a formidable foe and one that the World Health Organization says is responsible for the deaths of six million people each year. But as deadly an adversary as cancer can be, millions of cases of cancer could be prevented.
According to the WHO, at least one-third of all cancer cases are preventable. Prevention begins with understanding the risk factors for cancer and what you can do to lower your risk of developing this often deadly disease. Some risk factors for cancer, including family history and gender, are beyond an individual's control. But the following are risk factors that, when avoided, can dramatically reduce a person's risk of developing cancer.
How to adjust to a healthier diet
- Published on Monday, 22 August 2016 00:21
- Hits: 1433
Change often requires an adjustment period. Men and women who switch jobs may need a few weeks before they feel fully comfortable in a new office, while students changing schools may also need some time to adapt to their new surroundings.
An adjustment period is also common when people decide to adopt healthier diets. Diet is often habit-forming, and men and women will need some time to adjust as they kick some bad dietary habits in favor of healthier fare. The following are some simple ways to make that adjustment period a little easier to swallow.
Matter of health: Talking to children about alcohol
- Published on Saturday, 20 August 2016 00:41
- Hits: 1228
Many people consume alcohol when attending summer parties, holiday gatherings or weddings. Children in attendance may see adults drinking and having a good time and wonder why alcohol is off-limits to them.
Health boosters you have at home
- Published on Friday, 19 August 2016 00:48
- Hits: 1247
Many people desire to be healthier, and sales of nutritional supplements reflect such desires. A report by Packaged Facts titled "Nutritional Supplements in the U.S," says supplement sales reached $11.5 billion in 2012 and have been climbing ever since.
In addition to an increase in supplement use, gym memberships also have increased. IBIS World's "Gym, Health & Fitness Clubs" market research report indicates the number of gym memberships have increased in the last several years as consumers have become more health-conscious.