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FYI Magazine "Food & Beverage"

Make the most of "dinner and a movie" night

The "perfect date night" differs depending on the couple. Some couples might prefer a night on the town during which they get dolled up and visit a five-star restaurant, while others might find a laid back night at home makes for the ideal night for two.
Dinner and a movie has long been a go-to for couples who prefer something short of a fancy night out but more extravagant than a relaxing night at home. While making plans to dine out and catch a movie is not complicated, there are some things couples can do to make sure such nights go off without a hitch.


GMOs and cancer potential cause worry

The use of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, in foods remains a controversial subject. The concerns about modifying genetic material in foods surrounds the uncertainty about the medical implications of consuming foods that have had their DNA changed in a laboratory. One such concern is whether or not there is a link between GMOs and cancer. To understand such a potential connection, it first helps to understand GMOs and why they spark such controversy.


How antioxidants play a role in cancer prevention

Each year, about 1.4 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, while a National Post breakdown notes that every hour an average of 20 Canadians are diagnosed with this deadly disease. Although the causes of each particular case of cancer may be unknown, doctors do know that a combination of heredity and environmental influences can contribute to cancer risk. It's also known that the foods a person eats can help increase his or her chances of preventing cancer.


Healthy habits to lower your cancer risk

Certain types of cancer are more likely to strike certain types of people than others. For example, while men can be diagnosed with breast cancer, women are far more likely to develop the disease. But just because a person's risk of developing cancer is low, that does not make that person immune from the disease. As a result, it's important that men and women take steps to lower their cancer risk.


Alcohol and cancer risk

Though the exact details of how alcohol increases cancer risk are unknown, the American Cancer Society notes there are several different ways that alcohol may contribute to a person's elevated risk of developing cancer.