What athletes should know about shin splints
- Published on Monday, 15 August 2016 00:38
- Hits: 1664
Exercising more is a primary goal for many people, especially those interested in losing weight. Athletes also look to increase the time they spend exercising as new seasons draw near. While additional exercise can benefit many people, those who frequently perform weight-bearing exercises or repetitive motions, such as running, dancing and jumping, may find themselves battling shin splints.
Coffee and colon health
- Published on Sunday, 14 August 2016 00:50
- Hits: 1585
Coffee compels many people to rise out of bed every morning. While individuals have many reasons to drink caffeinated beverages, the most notable is often the pep such beverages provide. But coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages actually may provide additional benefits, including helping to fend off disease, including colorectal cancer.
'Healthy' foods that may cause weight gain
- Published on Sunday, 14 August 2016 00:33
- Hits: 1342
A desire to lose weight compels many people to pursue healthy lifestyles. Foods dubbed as "healthy" foods may not help people lose as much weight as they hope. Consumers should realize that, while there are many healthy options available, even foods billed as healthy can cause weight gain if overdone.
5 low-calorie snacks that stray from the norm
- Published on Saturday, 13 August 2016 00:38
- Hits: 1307
Snacking may not seem like part of a healthy diet, but the right snacks can help men and women fight midday hunger without contributing to unwanted weight gain. The following low-calorie snacks won't compromise adults' efforts to maintain healthy weights, and they might prove useful as men and women look for that extra boost during the day.
Pros and cons to detox cleanse diets
- Published on Saturday, 13 August 2016 00:29
- Hits: 1215
Detox diet adherents tout the benefits of cleansing their bodies. The detox craze can be confusing, and misinformation regarding the best way to proceed with a cleanse only illustrates the emphasis men and women considering detox diets must place on learning as much about them as possible.