How breastfeeding benefits mother and child later in life
- Published on Friday, 10 June 2016 00:12
- Hits: 1257
Breastfeeding is a natural and often convenient method of providing nutrition to a growing infant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise that breast milk is widely acknowledged as the most complete form of nutrition, with a range of benefits for infants' health, growth, immunity, and development. Formula can come close to replicating the benefits of breast milk, but many mothers still prefer to feed their youngsters their natural breast milk instead of formula.
Keep kids engaged through summer vacation
- Published on Wednesday, 08 June 2016 00:25
- Hits: 1512
"Summer Slide" is a term parents may hear at the end of the school year. No, it doesn't have anything to do with playground activities. Rather, "summer slide" refers to knowledge gained during the school year that may be lost over the duration of summer break.
Simplify vacations and savor the fun
- Published on Sunday, 05 June 2016 00:44
- Hits: 1590
Vacations are a great opportunity for families or individuals to recharge. But especially active vacationers often return from their trips in need of rest, as planning may have taken its toll or schedules loaded with too many activities might have left little time for R&R. Those willing to simplify their vacations may find their excursions provide the rest they need and the energizing boost they can make use of upon returning from their destinations.
Saving as a single parent
- Published on Monday, 30 May 2016 00:26
- Hits: 1734
Saving money can be hard for any parent, but especially so for parents who are raising their children in single-parent households. Single parents face hurdles that parents in dual-parent households may not encounter, and many of those hurdles involve finances.
Stay safe when exercising while pregnant
- Published on Sunday, 29 May 2016 00:03
- Hits: 1232
Exercise plays a vital role in long-term health. When combined with a healthy diet, exercise can help men, women and children lower their risk for injury and potentially debilitating diseases like diabetes and heart disease.