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How to save on school supplies

Back to school season can be as expensive for parents as it is exciting for students. Once the initial letdown of the end of summer vacation wears off, many kids are excited to return to school, where they can see their friends, study their favorite subjects and participate in extracurricular activities.


How parents can simplify students' transition to college life

College is the first taste of true independence many young students experience. Whereas mom and dad were always around to make sure kids were out the door on time and homework was done, that safety blanket is no longer there once kids move into their dorm rooms.


Add health screenings to back-to-school checklist

As summer vacation winds down, thoughts turn from jaunts to the beach to readying for a new school year. To-do lists include many of the typical tasks that precede going back to the classroom, including shopping for new clothes, purchasing school supplies and finishing summer reading assignments.


Homework help: Creating a helpful homework atmosphere for your children

Classrooms conducive to learning may go a long way toward helping students understand the subjects they study in school, but the environment kids encounter at home also plays a big role in how well kids do in their studies. A homework-friendly atmosphere at home can facilitate learning, and there are many ways parents can create such an environment for their school-aged children.


When a headache might be more

Headaches are a common occurrence and may result from a host of factors, including changing weather, stress and fatigue. Headaches may be classified as tension headaches or symptomatic of sinus congestion. Migraine headaches are a type of headache that can affect vision and may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound.